Disc Golf Committee
Help wanted - join our Disc Golf Committee to have your say on design elements for the new Disc Golf Course coming to Bruderheim! Call 780-796-3731 or email info@bruderheim.ca to sign up.
Many of our volunteer organizations are looking for you! You are welcome to help out with the many events or projects that are happening in Town - or perhaps you have a great idea for a project or event that you would like to initiate. We will help connect you to the group or project that you are interested in.
Help wanted - join our Disc Golf Committee to have your say on design elements for the new Disc Golf Course coming to Bruderheim! Call 780-796-3731 or email info@bruderheim.ca to sign up.
A dog park committee will examine the feasibility of a dog park in Bruderheim by identifying possible sites, conducting a cost analysis and identifying future maintenance costs. Call 780-796-3731 or email info@bruderheim.ca to sign up.
The purpose of the SDAB is to hear any appeals arising from a subdivision or development permit decision. The Land Use Bylaw is used as the criteria for the decision of the board.
The SDAB does not hold regular meetings - they meet in the event of an appeal when a hearing is scheduled. This service is provided by Lamont County per Bylaw 17-2019.
The Assessment Review Board (ARB) is a separate body from the assessment office and serves a different function. It hears and resolves disputes over assessment matters. This is a very broad and important responsibility, but the ARB must be sensitive to its legal and practical limits. This service is provided through Bylaw 15-2019 with Strathcona County.
The BFD is always looking for energetic people to fill the roster as firefighters! Drop by the Fire Hall any Tuesday night at 7:00 or stop by the Bruderheim Town Office at 5017 Queen Street to pick up an application. Benefits of joining include:
Are you interested in being a part of a Citizens on Patrol (COP) program for Bruderheim? The hours you volunteer are flexible depending on when you are available. The program could involve patrolling, surveillance reporting, etc. It will run with the help of the Fort Saskatchewan Police Detachment.
The Town of Bruderheim and Family and Community Support Services seek volunteers for our Seniors Snow Removal Assistance Program each winter.
This program is very important to those in our community who are unable to clear pathways and driveways of snow, resulting in difficulty safely leaving the home for shopping, medical or social outings.