Message from the Mayor

On behalf of the Town of Bruderheim, I warmly welcome you to the Home of the Bruderheim Meteorite!

We would love for you to discover Bruderheim, a warm and friendly community nestled within country farmland in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland - just a short drive from Edmonton. Our citizens and Town Council and staff work together to support our quality of life, which we believe is unmatched in the region. We are very proud to share our rich history, while we also look to the future, to build off the recent successes in ensuring the sustainability of our great community.

Our goal is to ensure our town’s sustainability.

Our community is growing - evident by the recent announcement for more residential growth by a developer looking to invest in our community! This growth will be a key driver of our Town's sustainability for the bright future we envision. Bruderheim’s Municipal Property Tax Rebate Program is helping to fuel our Town's growth going forward – it has encouraged new businesses to come to Bruderheim, such as the Canadian Rockies Hemp Corporation and a dental hygienist practice starting up in January 2022. Still more business is on the near horizon!

We are truly grateful to work collaboratively with municipalities in our region and fortunate to receive fantastic support from industry in our region and businesses within our community. Town Council recognizes how important business and partnerships are. We have close working relationships with both Lamont County and Strathcona County, as well as Alberta’s Industrial Heartland Association and many, many more - another key to our town’s sustainability. There are many strategic initiatives which result from these partnerships, such as our contract with Strathcona County for CAO services. 

We have so many great examples of collaboration with our various partners, from the arena project—now proudly known as the Karol Maschmeyer Arena—to the new community park. Our Town has partnered with other organizations to enhance residents' access to health care, such as with the Community Clinic in the new Pharmacy building. We also are proud to be home to the ultra-modern Suite 6 Bruderheim Hotel, an innovative facility with a beautiful and environmentally conscious design that utilizes sea cans. This hotel, a one-of-a-kind in Canada, and many other examples, also showcases our Town's goal to work collectively with partners in our drive to be sustainable for the future.

I truly believe that volunteers are the lifeblood of our town, and we are fortunate that so many dedicated folks have stepped forward to serve in Bruderheim. COVID-19 has proven the generosity and spirit of our community, as we work to keep each other safe and supported. Lessons learned in this pandemic show that our community will come out on the other end stronger than before, because of our caring people! Bruderheim would not be what it is without our great friends and neighbours.

What I've mentioned here are but a few of the things going on in our town. Town Council is pursuing many initiatives with our wonderful team at the Town Office.

Please do come out and experience life in Bruderheim—we would be happy to see you here!


With Warmest Regards,

Mayor Karl Hauch


Bruderheim Town Council

Life in Bruderheim is guided by a Town Council that consists of a Mayor and six Council members, each of whom are elected members of the community. Council members serve as a valuable resource to Bruderheim residents, working to ensure they enjoy a high quality of life and that Bruderheim's complex issues are resolved. In order to do this effectively, Council members spend a great deal of time studying community problems, preparing for formal Council meetings, speaking with citizens, attending committee and board meetings, and attending local events.

Click here to visit our Bylaws page for the Council Code of Conduct Bylaw.


George Campbell

Deputy Mayor George Campbell


John S. Batiuk Water Commission- as alternate

Bruderheim Municipal Library Board (Metro Kalyn Library)- as alternate

Heartland Air Monitoring Partnership- as alternate

Lamont County CEO/CAO Meetings- as alternate

Lamont County Family and Community Support Services- as alternate

Bruderheim Lions Club

Email Councillor Campbell


Councillor Ashley Carter


Community Adult Learning Council- as alternate

Emergency Advisory Committee

Lamont County Family and Community Support Services

Bruderheim School Council- as alternate

Bruderheim Lions Club

Email Councillor Carter

Len Falardeau

Councillor Len Falardeau


St. Michael Solid Waste Commission (Regional Landfill)

Northern Lights Library Board

Bruderheim Seniors Club

Email Councillor Falardeau


Dayna Jacobs

Councillor Dayna Jacobs


Alberta Industrial Heartland- as alternate

Bruderheim Municipal Library Board (Metro Kalyn Library)

Community Adult Learning Council

Intermunicipal Relations Committee: Bruderheim/Strathcona County- as alternate

Intermunicipal Collaboration Committee: Lamont County/Strathcona County- as alternate

Bruderheim School Council- as alternate

Bruderheim Youth Advisory Committee

Bruderheim Seniors Club- as alternate

Email Councillor Jacobs

Arlie Young

Councillor Arlie Young


Emergency Advisory Committee- as alternate 

Heartland Air Monitoring Partnership

Bruderheim Minor Sports- as alternate

Email Councillor Young