

 Bruderheim's Wastewater Treatment

Bruderheim's wastewater is treated with a lagoon system, which utilizes natural processes to clean our water.

The lagoons are maintained by Public Works under regulations set out by the Alberta Environment Wastewater Code of Practice.

Lagoon effluent is tested and released once per year each spring.

Sewage Truck

 Sewer Service

Ever wonder what sewer services you're paying for on your utility bill?  You help to cover the cost of a wide range of services, including:

  • Sewer line maintenance 
  • Sewer line upgrades
  • Sewer flushing
  • Determining the condition of sewer lines (e.g., by use of a camera)
  • All costs associated with wastewater treatment, such as
    • chemicals to help digest solids
    • dredging of lagoon cells
    • grass and weed control in lagoon area, and
  • More!
The Clog

 Care for your sewer system - Remember, what you flush can come back to haunt you...

Your sewer system was designed to handle human waste and toilet paper. That’s it. You probably have friends or family who’ve experienced flooded basements, sewer-logged yards, or damaged floors. Maybe it’s even happened to you. If a backup happens on your property, you could lose belongings to sewage damage or have to pay for costly repairs. Your municipality will not cover the cost of repairs to your property.

Beware items claiming to be ‘flushable’!

It’s estimated that Canadians spend $250 million annually on clog cleanup. Although there’s currently no regulation around the word ‘flushable’, the fact is, wipes don’t break down as quickly as toilet paper. Instead, they act like a net that catches other solids including things like hair, facial tissues and paper towel, slowly building until they become... The Clog.

To avoid a costly encounter, never flush:

  • ‘Flushable’ wipes
  • Pet, baby, or cleaning wipes
  • Paper towels
  • Facial tissue
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Small toys
  • Fats, oils or greases
  • Band-aids
  • Cat litter
  • Disposable diapers
  • Condoms or wrappers
  • Cotton balls or swabs
  • Prescription medication
  • Cigarette butts
  • Dental floss
  • Hair


Please store your household grease in a disposable container  -  don't pour it down your drain. Grease will accumulate and can plug our sewer lines, causing sewer back-ups, property damage, and an increase in the cost for maintenance.