Council members meet in the Fire Hall, located at 5112 Queen Street, to conduct formal meetings on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7:00 pm. The Mayor (or Deputy Mayor if the Mayor is absent), acts as chairperson for the meeting, and leads the group through items on the agenda. Council listens to presentations about important issues, then discusses and makes decisions about those issues. It may seem like meetings move at a very fast pace, but rest assured that Council has had time to review all information available to them regarding the issues they're voting on.
Citizens are invited to attend meetings and to provide input during the question period after Administrative and Council business is complete. Citizens may also stay and talk to members of the Council about other issues after the formal meeting.
Why is part of the Council meeting closed to the public?
All Council meetings are open to the public with the exception of the In-Camera, or Closed, sessions. Council uses this time to discuss matters that are confidential for any number of reasons. For example, any matters that:
Are confidential under provision of federal laws or provincial rule,
Constitute an invasion of individual privacy,
Describe the tactics and techniques used for protecting public safety and public property, if their disclosure could impair such protection.
The public is invited to attend the Open session, which starts at 7:00pm on scheduled meeting nights, unless otherwise stated.
I have a concern or project that requires Town Council's approval. What opportunities are there to speak with Council?
You may contact a member of Town Council by phone or email with any concern or idea that you may have. If you would like to have your item considered during a Council meeting, you may:
Provide a written statement,
Verbally address Council, or
Make a presentation.
For more information on how to do this, or to contact a Council member, contact the Director of Development and Legislative Services at the Town Office (780-796-3731). Anyone wishing to bring an item to Council's attention is asked to complete a Council Agenda Item Form from the Forms Page for consideration. Forms may be submitted to the Director of Development and Legislative Services at least one week before the scheduled Council meeting.
Are there topics that cannot be discussed with Council?
While most topics can be openly discussed at public meetings with Council, there are a few that cannot. These include:
Matters that require confidentiality under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (e.g., personnel matters),
Education matters that have not first been referred to and discussed by the appropriate school division, and
Decisions of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board or the Assessment Review Board.
If you are wondering whether your topic can be discussed, please check with the Director of Development and Legislative Services.
Why are Council meeting minutes not posted immediately?
To ensure accuracy, Town Council must approve the previous meeting's minutes at each Council meeting. For example, at the first meeting in May, Council review's April's last meeting minutes and approves them if accurate. Once approved, the minutes must then go through a signing process. This is why meeting minutes are posted weeks after a Council meeting, and not the following day.