Services Provided by Public Works:
- The connection, disconnection, replacement, and alteration of water service
- Water main repairs
- The installation and replacement of water meters
- Maintenance and inspection of sewer lines
- Wastewater treatment
- Major road maintenance-overlays
- Snow removal and ice control
- Alley and gravel road grading
- Sanding - when the streets get icy
- Rock chipping of selected icy sidewalks, parking lots, walkways and stairways
- Street cleaning / sweeping - April
- Pothole patching - May
- Dust suppression
- Street repairs - June - July
- Sidewalk repairs - June - July
- Crack filling (tar) - May
- Line and crosswalk painting - August
- Walking trail system maintenance
- Sign replacement and repair
- Planning for new roads and sidewalks
- Traffic signal repair and planning
- Manage and operate the water distribution system
- Manage and operate the waste water collection system
- Manage and operate the waste water treatment plant
- Water reads monthly
- Maintenance of playgrounds
- Arena operation and maintenance of ice and building
- Manage and maintain all Town-owned buildings
- Campground operation and maintanace
- Maintain forganic waste site
- Operate and maintain Cosmic Skate Park
- Landscape maintenance
- Grass cutting (fields and boulevards)
- Weed control and inspection,
- Tree planting and care
- Watering of trees and flowers, as well as weeding, tree trimming, and planting
- Communities in Bloom program support