Animal Control Bylaw (#13-2013)
This bylaw regulates the keeping and harbouring of animals within the municipal boundaries of the Town of Bruderheim, with the exception of dogs. For regulation of dogs, see Dog Bylaw.
Bylaws ensure the quality of life in our town, and Bruderheim Town Council is interested in providing residents with improved bylaw services. The first step is communication to ensure that all residents have a good understanding of the key bylaws serving our community.
If you have any questions about Bruderheim bylaws, check out our Bylaw FAQs or contact the Town Office at (780)796-3731, located at 5017 Queen Street.
This bylaw regulates the keeping and harbouring of animals within the municipal boundaries of the Town of Bruderheim, with the exception of dogs. For regulation of dogs, see Dog Bylaw.
This bylaw provides for the licensing and control of any business operating within the Town of Bruderheim.
A bylaw to provide for the appointment of a Bylaw Enforcement Officer.
This bylaw is in place to ensure that the Town is presented in a positive light to visitors and potential buyers, and more importantly, that Bruderheim is a pleasant place to live for our current residents.
The purpose of this bylaw is to impose protective curfew regulations to support the health, safety and welfare of people and property.
The purpose of this bylaw is to regulate the transportation of dangerous goods.
This bylaw ensures responsible and safe dog ownership within Bruderheim:
See Doggy-Dos and Doggy-Don'ts for more information.
This bylaw establishes the rules and procedures for the conduct of elections.
This bylaw sets up a line of credit for electronic funds transfer.
Through this bylaw, the Town of Bruderheim provides support and recognizes the Family and Community Support Services Agreement.
This bylaw prohibits other providers from providing electric distribution service within the legal boundaries of Bruderheim.
This bylaw authorizes the Mayor and the Acting Chief Administrative Officer to enter into an agreement granting FortisAlberta Inc. the right to provide distribution access services within the municipality.
A bylaw of the Town of Bruderheim to adopt an Intermunicipal Development Plan for the Town of Bruderheim and Lamont County.
A bylaw of the Town of Bruderheim to adopt an Intermunicipal Development Plan for the Town of Bruderheim and Strathcona County.
This bylaw establishes the Town of Bruderheim's and Lamont County's Inter-Municipal Subdivision and Development Appeal Board.
This bylaw establishes labour, equipment and vehicle rental rates for the Town of Bruderheim.
Bruderheim's newly updated Land Use Bylaw divides the town into land use districts, provides regulations for each district and outlines procedures for development of any parcel within the town limits of Bruderheim.
The Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is a tool for establishing policies that aid in decision making related to growth and development. The MDP presents a vision of what the Town will look like in the future and gives direction to Council on the day-to-day implementation of policies to achieve long term goals.
A bylaw to establish a Municipal Library Board.
This bylaw provides for a Municipal Property Tax Rebate Program for new homes, commercial businesses and industrial facilities.
This bylaw specifies the number of councilors sitting on the municipal council.
A bylaw that provides for a pre-authorized tax installment payment plan.
The purpose of this bylaw is to regulate the proceedings of Council meetings and the transacting of business by Council for the municipality.
A bylaw that ensures that recomendations from the Chief Health Officer are adopted in the Town of Bruderheim.
A bylaw that establishes the terms and conditions governing propery sales by public auction held by the Town of Bruderheim to dispose of property for tax arrears.
A bylaw that establishes regulations for the management, retention, and disposition of the Town of Bruderheim's records and information.
This bylaw establishes a Regional Assessment Review Board.
This bylaw guides the establishment and operations of a fire service authorized to prevent and control fires, and to authorize the recovery of related fees, expenses and charges.
A bylaw that establishes Bruderheim's repeal of Lamont County's Alberta Heartland Area Structure Plan.
A bylaw that guides the Town of Bruderheim and Strathcona County in the joint agreement to establish a council committee to support collaboration and effective communication on areas of mutual interest.
This bylaw authorizes the financing and completion of the 2017 Street Improvement Project.
A bylaw that sets the 2024 tax rate for the Town of Bruderheim.
A bylaw to regulate vehicle, animal, and pedestrian traffic in the Town of Bruderheim.
This bylaw regulates waterworks, sewers and plumbing.
This bylaw regulates the collection, removal and disposal of garbage, refuse and recycle materials.