
Bruderheim successfully merges the friendly atmosphere of a small town with the vibrance of a modern and growing commercial and industrial centre. Whether you are already doing business in Bruderheim, or are considering moving or starting a business here, we are dedicated to helping your business reach your goals for success.

The Town of Bruderheim's Planning and Development Department can assist you with obtaining the appropriate licenses, registrations and building permits required for your business activities. We can also provide information on any Bylaws and regulations that may impact your business. Get in touch with us  -  we'll help ensure a perfect fit!


 The Top Five Reasons to Invest in Bruderheim


Location, Location, Location! - Bruderheim is ripe for growth - it is located in Alberta's growing Industrial Heartland, with close proximity to larger urban centres such as Fort Saskatchewan and Edmonton. The Town is a link along one of the Province's major transportation networks from Central Alberta to the North, and provides easy access to road, rail and air transport.


Bang for your buck - We offer available and fully-serviced land at an exceptional price  -  typically at one third the cost of lots in the Fort Saskatchewan and Sherwood Park areas. Now is the time to invest in Bruderheim!


Tax Incentives - Our Municipal Property Tax Rebate Program provides an opportunity to build new commercial businesses, industrial facilities and houses and receive a three-year municipal property tax rebate.


Employees a-plenty - Our region is blessed with a highly skilled and educated workforce.


Community attraction - Bruderheim is a desirable satellite community with excellent recreation facilities, schools, and strong infrastructure.