How does TIPP work?
Your current tax levy will be divided by 12 to establish your monthly payments for January 1 to May 1.
I/We acknowledge there may be a difference between the amount paid by instalments and the actual tax levy and that adjustment may be necessary. The monthly instalment amount for the period of January 1st until the date of the Tax Notice being mailed is calculated by dividing the previous year’s tax levy by the remaining months in the calendar year. The monthly instalment amount after the Tax Notice has been mailed will be calculated by the actual current year’s tax levy, subtracting the prior monthly instalments that have been received to date (if any), and dividing by the remaining months in the calendar year. Your monthly payment will be adjusted June 1 to compensate for changes in taxes resulting from the annual tax levy. Your annual tax bill, usually issued in May, will show the total amount of instalments to date and the calculation of the instalment payments for the remaining payments in that year.
Payments begin January 1 of the new year and continue each consecutive month.
Payments may only be made by automatic withdrawal from an account with chequing privileges at a financial institution. All debits are processed for the first banking day of each month. You must give written permission before the withdrawals will begin. The Town of Bruderheim does not charge for this service; however bank service charges may apply.