Winter Roads & Sidewalks
Please continue to watch this page for updates during the winter season.
- Please watch for signs in your neighbourhood.
- All vehicles must be moved from the street from 6 a.m. - 5 p.m. to avoid being towed.
Register with VOYENT ALERT to get up to date information sent to your phone.
- West Woodlands and Sunset Subdivision
- Old Town
- Brookside Subdivision
Important Reminder:
Residents are reminded to please NOT shovel snow from private driveways and sidewalks onto the streets. Piles of snow left behind on roads can interfere with the safe passage of traffic and pedestrians. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please visit our Policies Page to view the Winter Maintenance Policy.
Snow removal priority areas, as outlined in the policy:
- Priority 1: Arterial Roadways and Fire Hall (main and emergency routes)
- Priority 2: Collector Roadways (secondary roads)
- Priority 3: Pedestrian Paths (sidewalks and trails)
- Priority 4: Local Residential Roadways
- Priority 5: Roadway Back Alleys
- Watch for Equipment:
Please slow down and drive to the conditions during winter storms. Stay back and stay safe! - Remove your curb ramps:
All rubber curb ramps need to be removed from the street during the winter months. Curb ramps damage our equipment. Damaged equipment causes “down time” and increases the time it takes our crews to clear the snow. - Watch for signs:
When you see snow clearing signs in your neighbourhood, remove vehicles from the street so that crews can clean away snow from curbs. - Sidewalk Clearing:
Be a good neighbour and clear the snow around your property as soon as possible
Avoid shoveling onto the road or public sidewalks - this causes hazardous conditions for drivers and pedestrians.
Keep catch basins clear – clearing snow and ice around catch basins in the gutter by your property to avoid flooding
Manage Ice – if ice is on your sidewalk use chips
The Town of Bruderheim reminds residents that clearing snow and ice from our streets is a shared responsibility.
Snow from private driveways and walkways should never be deposited onto any town street or sidewalk and should never be pushed onto the opposite side of the road.
Piles of snow left behind on the road when clearing driveways or walkways can cause drivers to lose control. Using an ATV or truck to push snow onto the opposite side of the road can result in buildup of icy sections.
Accumulated snow from private plowing should never interfere with the safe passage of traffic and pedestrians on our roadways and sidewalks for the safety of all.
Thank you from Public Works